Can a Vape Trigger a Fire Alarm?

Ever worried about waking up the entire neighborhood when all you wanted to do is blow a few puffy clouds? If you're worried whether your harmless, innocent vape could set off fire alarms, this blog is for you. Vapor Shop Direct is here to guide you and take a closer look at whether vapes can trigger fire alarms, and what you can do to prevent it from happening.


What causes a fire alarm to go off?

Let's first examine what may trigger the scary red alarm bell. Fire alarms are designed to detect smoke, heat, or carbon monoxide, and will go off when they sense one of these things. Smoke detectors use ionization or photoelectric sensors to detect smoke particles, while heat detectors use thermistors or rate-of-rise sensors to detect an increase in temperature. Carbon monoxide detectors use electrochemical sensors to detect the presence of carbon monoxide gas.


Can vaping set off a fire alarm?

Vaping can potentially set off a smoke or heat detector, but it is less likely to trigger a carbon monoxide detector. The vapor produced by a vape contains tiny particles of liquid, known as aerosol, that can be mistaken for smoke by smoke detectors. Additionally, some vapes can generate heat, which can trigger a heat detector.


How to prevent your vape from triggering a fire alarm

1. Vaping in designated areas: Many buildings have designated smoking areas, and it's best to use your vape in these areas to prevent triggering the fire alarm.
2. Avoid vaping near smoke detectors: Be mindful of where smoke detectors are located in your home or office, and avoid vaping near them to prevent triggering the alarm.
3. Use low wattage and keep an eye on your device: Some devices may produce more heat than others, it's best to use low wattage and keep an eye on your device to make sure it's not overheating.
4. Use a fire alarm with a photoelectric sensor: Some fire alarms are equipped with photoelectric sensors, which are less likely to be triggered by vaping aerosol. If you have the option to replace a fire alarm, use a fire alarm with a photoelectric sensor.


What to do if your vape does trigger a fire alarm

If your vape does trigger a fire alarm, the most important thing to do is to remain calm. Once the alarm has been triggered, it will typically continue to sound until it is reset. If you're in a public place, you should follow the evacuation instructions provided by the building's management.

If you're at home and the alarm is going off, you should open windows and doors to ventilate the area and try to silence the alarm. If you're unable to silence the alarm, you should call the fire department. If the fire department determines that there is no fire, they will typically reset the alarm and you can go back inside.



Vaping can potentially set off a smoke or heat detector, but it is less likely to trigger a carbon monoxide detector. To prevent your vape from triggering a fire alarm, it's best to use your vape in designated areas, avoid vaping near smoke detectors, use low wattage, and keep an eye on your device. If your vape does trigger a fire alarm, remain calm and follow the appropriate steps to reset it. As a further defense against fire alarms, make sure you buy your vapes at Vapor Shop Direct. (We're not exactly sure of how this would help you avoid fire alarms, but try it out anyways!)


Buy your vapes at Vapor Shop Direct

Vapor Shop Direct is your one-stop shop for all your vaping needs and devices. If you need a disposable vape, vape mod, or a vape starter kit; browse through our website and place your order right away!